

In this presentation, I’ll be advocating for each of the She Podcast Live ladies to be inspired and empowered to unapologetically create their own podcast success story. As more and more podcasters come into the fold, it can be easy to compare ourselves to others, to feel less than, or to get stuck by our own unmet expectations of ourselves. But this ultimately keeps us living small as we keep our eyes focused on everything (and everyone) around us.

Instead, I believe that creating a journey that we can truly ENJOY every step of the way comes from connecting to our inner voice…to our deeper self. And when we do this, we see clearly what is possible. And step BRAVELY into our future.

Nothing can stop us!

And doing this means that each of us are creating our own versions of success every step of the way. In order to communicate this message, I’ll touch upon…

She Podcasts Live Keynote_ Namaste, Beautiful (1).pdf